The experience gained over more than 25 years in practice and in over 15 countries in different regions of the world has enabled the founder of HCC to develop skills and best practices in the field of heritage conservation and to establish his own operational conservation techniques and methods, with an approach specifically adapted to each project.

Since its creation, the principal activity of HCC has been the conservation and development of UNESCO World Heritage sites and other historic and archaeological sites, as well as the development and promotion of earthen building techniques. The considerable experience accumulated over a long period in practice enables HCC to offer quality services in three specific areas: 

  • Conservation, restoration, and development of urban and architectural heritage sites 
  • Management, supervision, and execution of conservation works for mud-brick historic and archaeological sites
  • Earthen building techniques and local materials.
HCC is a Company specialized in the study and diagnosis of historical buildings
HCC is a Company specialized in the conservation of urban and architectural heritage